Saturday, 6 April 2013

Pretty Paper Studio is ONE!

Hi Pretty Peepz!

We, at Pretty Paper Studio, would like to invite you to join us for our first birthday blog hop!
Our little store has turned ONE and we are VERY much happy and blessed that we wanted to share our excitement with you, through an inspiring blog hop.
So how does this blog hop work?
  • All of us in the creative team are choosing ONE favorite project of a fellow CT member for you to find inspiration from.
  • Hop from one blog to the next to see which project each of us have chosen.
  • Once you have finished hoping, make ONE Scrapbook Page/Card/Atered Project inspired by one of the six chosen ones. You will have to tell us which project you chose as inspiration. 
  • Submit your project in our Facebook Album named ‘PPS 1st Birthday Blog Hop’ by April 15, 2013.
  • Make sure your project is new and was made after this blog hop went live.
  • You can participate in this challenge only once. 
  • Follow us on Blogger, YouTubeTwitterPinterestInstagram and Like us on Facebook. (If you do not have an account on any of these social media platforms, it is okay. You can follow us where ever you are.)
What is the prize? One winner will receive an AED 50 gift voucher to our store. Winner will be announced here on April 20, 2013.
So have a look with Shruti's creative side for her 2013:Resolution mini album
You can see her post about this project here.

Here’s the blog hop order:

Louella ---you are here---
 Now go on to Marina's blog and see what she has picked. 
Enjoy the hop and don't forget to leave a comment here as well. This counts as one of the stops on the hop.

The PPS Team


  1. cute album, amazed that its that lil keeping on fridge,well put together.

    kavitha vadhri

  2. Hi louella...thats my favorite project by shruti too but i know that i would take loads of time and patience to create one....hahaha

  3. I agree the most wonderful project I have ever come across! It let me speechless....i am in complete love with this project <3

  4. i love this mini!! great work Shurti!!

  5. this is very innovative ,i tried to made one for my son ,as her study resolution but failed ...but you again revised me ,i will try again.thanks for hop.

  6. thats so cute album for resolution. Lovely inspiration surely.
